2014년 11월 4일 화요일

Dear TELEGRAM.ORG. Please protect Korean users' privacy

Dear telegram.org

You would probably know the reason why you have rapidly growing number of users especially in Korea. All they want is a secure and safe internet messanger that can protect their privacy from infringement from Korean government. So, here is my requirement.

Don't install any kind of office in the soil of Korea.
Don't install any local server in the soil of Korea.
Don't install any proxy server in the soil of Korea.
Don't install any mirror server in the soil of Korea.

You'll know why.

2014년 10월 21일 화요일

Democracy in Hong Kong!

I am a Korean, and I support democracy in Hong kong.

Hong Kong can be Hong Kong as it is now, just by the way of Hong Kong. China is ignorant of this.

China is greedy for more control over Hong Kong, but China can not get the prosperity of Hong Kong when China deny the freedom of Hong Kong.

2014년 9월 26일 금요일

Damn you, IKEA ! How dare you to lie and trick them?

And as ye would that men should do to you, so do ye to them likewise.(Luke 6:31)

No matter what your religion is, it is the golden rule of any kind of human relations, I believe. IKEA Korea lied and tricked to the many applicants to the job position, and they were suffered an insult. IKEA surely made a worst first impression to the public of Korea even before they start business. IKEA will be remembered as a sweatshop. Koreans remember.

2014년 9월 17일 수요일

《사회를 바꾸려면》, 오구마 세이지 저 - 감상 요약

《사회를 바꾸려면》, 오구마 세이지 저, 전형배 역, 동아시아, 2014

 TV로 소개된 이 책은 추천할 만한 좋은 책이다. 내 생각을 간단히 줄이면 이렇다.

민주주의 국가에서 정치체계는 국민을 위하여 작동한다고 학교에서 배웠다. 하지만 현실은 절대로 그렇지 않다는 것을 사춘기만 되어도 알게 된다. 정부는 국민을 위하여 일하지 않는다. 정부는 정부 자신의 이익을 위할 뿐이다. 다음으로 정당과 정치인은 국민을 위하여 일하는가? 역시 그렇지 않다. 그렇다면 마지막으로 NGO 같은 비영리 시민단체들이 있는데 그들은 시민을 위하는가? 시민단체 역시 그들의 목적을 위하여 행동할 뿐이다. 특히 우리나라의 시민단체는 엘리트 의식에 빠져 있어서 자신들이 대중을 계몽한다는 의식이 강하며, 활동가들도 정치권으로 진입하기 위한 전단계로써 시민단체를 이용하는 경향이 강하다. 이래서는 국민이 국가의 주인이 아니라 민주주의라는 형식의 또다른 계급제도를 유지하는 것일 뿐이다. 그렇다면 어떻게 해야 민주주의의 본질을 되찾을 수 있을 것인가? 오구마 세이지 교수는 "세상은 저절로 좋아지지 않는다. 행동하라!"고 말한다. 오구마 세이지 교수 자신이 직접 시위를 이끌고 있지만, 그가 참석자들을 일일이 지시하고 가르치지 않는다. 참여자들은 스스로 현실을 비판적으로 생각하고 그 결론이 개똥철학이건 뭐건 누구나 광장에 나와서 확성기에 대고 자기의 주장을 직접 말한다. 그래서 그들의 집회는 즐겁다. 그리고 당연히 그래야 한다고 말한다. 우리나라에서 그렇게 집회가 즐거운 행사이고 누구나 생각만 같으면 즉석에서 가벼운 마음으로 참여할 수 있었던 때가 있었는가? TV에서 진중권 교수가 말한 것처럼, 아이들의 식생활 안전을 위하여 유모차를 끌고 모였던 시위와 같은 집회가 되어야 한다. 직접민주주의의 방법은 여전히 가장 유효한 의사표시의 수단인 것이다. 제도화된 정치체계를 통하여 전달되지 않는 목소리는 분명히 존재하며, 각양각색 의사들이 표출될 방법이 분명히 존재해야 좋은 민주주의 사회이기 때문이다. 하지만 불행하게도 정부는 집회와 시위가 나타난다는 것을 숨기고 억제하려고만 한다. 우리나라에서 흔히 쓰이는 국론분열이라는 말은 가장 비민주주적인 모순적 어휘이다. 커다란 흐름은 있다고 해도 저마다 생각이 다른 것은 지극히 당연한 현상이다. 서로 다른 생각을 가지고서 토론하고 협상하며 합의점을 찾는 것이 민주주의의 과정이다. 하지만 국론분열을 막자며 사람마다 생각이 다르다는 것부터 인정하지 않으려는 것은, 아예 민주주의를 하지 말라는 소리나 마찬가지다. 이런 비민주주적이고 반민주적인 정부가 어디에 있는가. 민주주의가 정착하면서 제도화가 필요했지만, 제도화된 민주주의도 역시 완벽하지 않으며 여전히 직접민주주의적인 수단으로 보완할 필요가 있다. 그래서 오구마 세이지 교수는 직접 행동하고 시위에 참여해야 사회를 변화시킬 수 있다고 주장하는 것이다. 그리고 집회는 민주시민의 권리를 행사하는 것이니 당연히 즐겁고 편안해야 한다. 민주시민의 권리는 투표일에만 행사하는 것이 아니라 일상적으로 행사하는 것이 당연하다. 유모차 시위처럼 소풍을 가듯이 시위하고, 퇴근 후에 자기 생각을 적은 피켓을 들고 나설 수 있어야 한다. 집회와 시위야말로 보통 시민들이 가장 손쉽게 할 수 있는 민주적 의사표현 활동이 되어야 한다. 나는 짜장면이 좋다, 혹은 나는 짬뽕이 좋다고 시위하는 것은 얼마나 아름다운가.

2014년 8월 26일 화요일

2014년 8월 17일 일요일

건강보험 자격여부 확인제도 철회하라

  대한민국의 모든 국민은 의무적으로 건강보험 가입자이다. 아주 드물게 건강보험 피보험자 자격을 상실하는 경우가 있을 텐데, 직업이나 가족관계의 변동에 의해서 자신도 모르는 사이에 피보험자 자격을 상실된 것을 뒤늦게 아는 경우도 있고, 아니면 건강보험료를 제때에 납부하지 못할 정도로 생계가 곤란한 사람들일 것이다. 물론 체납된 가입자에게는 건강보험공단에서 납부를 독촉해 왔다. 그래도 가입자 자격을 빼앗는 경우는 아주 드물었다.

  보건복지부가 이제부터는 매번 병원에 갈 때마다 병원이 피보험자 여부를 확인하도록 의무를 지웠다. 직업이나 가족관계가 자주 변하지 않는 대부분의 사람들에게는 번거롭기만한 제도이며,불필요하게 병원에서 낯 붉히는 일을 만드는 일이다. 보건복지부가 이런 제도를 들고 나온 이유는 피보험자 자격을 상실한 자를 철저히 적발하겠다는 의도인데, 복지를 선전하는 현 정부에서 정작 의료복지의 근간인 국민건강보험의 재정이 악화되고 있다는 사실을 드러내는 일이다.

  무엇보다 의료복지의 본질과 목적에 어울리지 않게 비인도적이다. 수입이 좋은 사람은 건강보험료를 납부하지 못 하여 경우가 발생하지 않는다. 극심한 가난과 질병 등으로 건강보험료를 내지 못할 정도로 사정이 어려운 사람들이 건강보험료를 납부하지 못하여 피보험자 자격을 상실하게 된다. 오히려 정부가 이런 사람들에게 복지혜택을 베풀어야 하는 것 아닌가. 그럼에도 불구하고 보건복지부의 새 제도는 악착같이 보험료를 뜯어내고야 말겠다는 의지만 내보일 뿐이다. 이런 인정머리 없는 국가의료제도가 어디에 있단 말인가. 새 제도는 새로운 의료빈곤층을 탄생시킬 위험성이 높다. 피보험자 자격을 상실한 빈곤계층은 건강보험의 혜택을 받지 못하여 의료비 전액을 자비로 내야 하는데,그 액수가 피보험자로 인정될 때보다 몇 배에서 몇 십 배에 해당하는 고액이다. 당장 건강보험료도 납부하지 못 하는 빈곤층이 그 많은 비용을 어떻게 지불하겠는가. 빈곤층은 결국 진료를 포기하는 사태가 벌어질 것이다. 그리고 결국은 국민건강보험에서 한번 이탈되고 나면 다시 국민건강보험 안으로 복귀하지 못하여 소외되고 말 것이다. 마이클 무어 감독의 '식코(Sicko)'와 같은 사태가 우리나라에서도 벌어질 것이 예상되는 것이다. 도대체 어느 인정머리 없는 정부가 이런 제도를 만들어 낸다는 말인가. 온갖 복지제도를 새로 만들어 쏟아내고 있지만, 정작 가장 핵심이 되는 복지제도가 복지와는 거리가 멀게 만들고 있는 정부를 규탄한다.

2014년 7월 21일 월요일

Understanding Lineage of Presidents of Korea

Understanding lineage of presidents of Korea is very easy

     Understanding the current politics of Korea is very easy with this picture. You just take a look at the picture. The short man wearing coat in the middle of the front line was the army general, carried out a military coup, made himself a president for almost 20 years, and finally assassinated by his right-hand man. After short period, an army general, the man with red circle, carried out another military coup, made himself a president. He didn't eager for long-term thing, so only got 1 term, and handed over his power to his friend, an army general who carried out coup with him. He handed over his power to a politician who was in his side. The next 10 years, they had 2 civilian presidents by the people's choice so called democratic election. Both two presidents had something common: they were totally against this lineage of military coup. Again, a politician in their side(I mean them the persons in the picture) had his term and the young woman in the left of the picture with red circle became the president today. She is the daughter of the president who carried oiut first military coup. The political bias of Korean people are mainly devided in two sides. Yes or no with the powers of the persons in the picture. See? Very easy.

2014년 7월 1일 화요일

Her (2013) by Spike Jonze

Her (2013) Korean Poster

     I've watched this movie three times. I thought it was a marvelous SF film at the first time, I watched again and again, changed my focus to the love between Joaquin Phoenix and OS(Scarlett Johansson), and finally got to the idea that the story of love is no different from the love of real human beings. This movie is about how the love starts, grows, weakens, and ends. I think OS is an anonymous representation of other side of relationship. No matter what the object of love, the aspect of love would be same. In that point of view, this film is much more like "500 days with Summer". And, I must say that this movie is a very good portrait of how a guy affected by love.

Japan claims able to make a war. We ask "For what?"

     From 1947, the Japanese constitution says that "land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained."  Today, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his cabinet declared that the constitution does not mean to avoid Japan having every right to war. US defense officials looks simply happy to use more military force of Japan in coordination of the pacific plan. But people from other countries ask why Shinzo Abe made this decision, because the constitution was an significant promise of Japan not to invade again the Asia during the WWII. Now, the promise is broken.

     "Japan can join the war, in a faraway soil, and even strike first when needed."
     "Japan is able to war"
     "Japan wants to join the war"
     "Japan will make an war"
     "Japan will make an war, sooner or later".

     To the many people of Korea, it is just a declaration of war.

PS: It seems like that US government think they can control and let the Japanese military force follow the Pacific plan of US, but they are wrong. Japan will take advantage of their 'collective defense' for Japan's own sake and benefit.

2014년 6월 10일 화요일

The Congress(2013) by Ari Folman

The Congress (2013) Korean Poster
     This is a wonderful movie. After some lazy introduction, the most beautiful and fantastic animated pictures of dream world fascinated my eyes. Really great job by Ari Folman. The idea that digitaly scanned or created charaters take place of real human is not a new one. What matters is that how we, the viewers, are goinng to influenced and changed by that technology. Ari Folman expressed the emptiness and hollowness of the people caused by the desire using technology in a wrong way. Not satisfied with watching and manipulating scanned  actor/actress, people are going to take more intense pleasure by being the characters themselves, even losing their own personality. It is an irony that in this insane and distorted dream world, the only sane human is Robin herself, because she is still living in the real world, even the real world is painful life-time burden for her. As the Buddhism teaches us, we can get to the real pleasure not by denying ourselves, but by appreciating ourselves as we are.

2014년 5월 24일 토요일

Police forced female protestoers' bra off and interrogated.

  17th and 18th, May, there was a protest against government in Seoul. About 200 protestors were arrested and interrogated. Among them, 6 women told later that they were forced to take off their bra during interrogation. The police saying it was for the protection of suicide using straps of bra in jail room. Political protestors commit suicide using bra straps? The women told they were humiliated. Ridiculous thing is this. In 2008, there was a almost same case. The Supreme Court decided already that this kind humiliation by police is against the law and violation of human right. The police knew it, but did it again. The police admitted their wrong but did not yet expressed sorry for the victims. This is what's happening on the freedom of speech in Korea, now.

2014년 5월 9일 금요일

Blancanieves by Pablo Berger

Blancanieves Korean Poster
  Blancanieves by Pablo Berger. This is a wonderful interpretation of the fairy tale <Snow White> into another story that I've never expected. So modern, so spanish. I really liked it. In a world full of spectacular, computer engineered 3D movies, you can never deny the virtue of this old-fashioned black and white, silent movie.  

2014년 5월 4일 일요일

Weird employment situation in Korea

  Speaking of the movie 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty', I have to tell you this.

  The forms of employment are normally divided by two categories. One is full-time, regular workers, and the other is part-time, non-regular workers. But you will see that the forms of employment are so various, weird and twisted, and not respected.

  Before the financial crisis in Asia around 1990s, people thought that two forms enough. But after the crisis, they learned about clear out or mass dismissal. They used it to make the company survive, then. And then the form of outsourcing has been introduced. And other forms of non regular employments.

  The problem and accused is that the companies in Korea are making too many non regular employments against Labour Act. One example: There was a car assembly factory, but there were no one hired regular employment with full benefits. No one? None! The factory have had only non regular employments even if the man worked for years and years of extra working hours.

  Problem is the company is making non regular employments in order to reduce labour costs and keep easy to fire even to the positions which need to be regular. Factory with no regular worker, restaurant with no regular chef, taxi company with no regular driver. Can you imagine it? You need not to imagine. You just watch it. The government made all these sort of employment to escape the financial crisis. But the companies are still abusing employment system. Even if you work in same job descriptions for full time for years in company, you are still paied as an old part-timers. Now, anyone wants to be hired can only expect non regular employment, except for a little numbers of major companies.

  This situation is not right and not good for the entire economy. Workers are consumers. The less income of consumer make the less sales of industry. This will lead deeper recession , eventually. But the companies are still enjoying their power in employment market. They must be stopped.

Unexpected score of 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty'

  'The secret Life of Walter Mitty'(2013) has been released at January in Korea. Hollywood movie distributors sometimes fail to predict Korean movie market. It is true. I mean it. Nobody expected this movie could hit even a minor success. But this movie did some. Only some, but unexpected score. What made this small success? Audiences of Korea knew it instantly that it will touch their heart of the middle aged, living undedr job insecurity. I've been to the theatre and saw many of them in the audience. I can not rate this is a wonderful movie, but this has something for those who are in similar situations like the 'Walter' in the movie. 

2014년 4월 30일 수요일

2014년 4월 21일 월요일

Dear Hollywood studios: a wonderful material for Sci-Fi Action film

Dear Hollywood studios:

  I have to tell you about a book. It is a wonderful material for a Sci-Fi action film. Get this book and read it. And I bet that you will be want to start adaptation of this novel.

The Blind Watchmaker
  Summary: In the future, it is common to add artificial parts to human bodies. more memories, device of sense, power or even weapons. Only natural brains of their own remained, it is regarded as a human being. However, a dead body found with its brain has been stolen. Same kind of murder case again and again. The detective who is investigating these cases come to face unexpected truth and danger.

  This novel's title is "The blind watchmaker". Same title as the book by the renowned scientist Richard Dawkins. Maybe because this novel is co-written by a writer and a scientist. Maybe the scientist admired Dawkins' work. As Dawkins questioned about the idea 'intelligent design' of creationism, this novel make us to think deep about how can we define human even if our body is replaced by artificial parts. What do we say about brains with enhancement. Can a humanoid with free will considered same as human being. Some say these kind of questions are already expressed in the famous movie 'Blade Runner' starring Harrison Ford. But this is different. It is much more action packed thriller. You can say that the 'Blade Runner' is philosophical like 'Apocalypse Now', and this novel delivers its theme by realistic story like 'Platoon'. Co-written by a writer and a scientist, fast reading and something to think about. You will love it. 

2014년 4월 9일 수요일

What are you doing with your blog?

  Some people ask me "What are you doing with your blog? Why are you writing such things like that? You don't need to write down shameful incidents, dark side of you own country. Do you?" Yes, I do. Honesty is the best virtue in anywhere, I want to tell anytime. anyone visiting my blog bare truth, not a fabricated story. And also my view and thought through the story. What is INTERNET for?

2014년 3월 26일 수요일


  Economy. Many countries of the world is in recession. Korea is not so good, either. But, there is a particular aspect if you are in business in Korea. The polarization of income. The middle class is disappearing fast. Not exactly 'middle class'. I would rather define 'working class with spendable income'. High-quality markets will not feel any change. However, the markets for working class will face the change. That is why I expect success of IKEA. Before, funiture dealers imported IKEA products and sold them in bigger price. (Each consumer cannot be import expert.) But, IKEA opens its shop in Korea and sell more affordable price, working class who want to save spending will choose IKEA. And, any kind of outletmalls with similiar price position will face the same.

  Society. Economy affects society. I am noticed one symptom of social pathology. Anachronistic. We do educations like other civilized countries. But Confucian ideas are so deeply rooted in Korean society, democratic values like freedom, equal of all men, charity are often overwhelmed when economy is not good. Child is a mirror of adults. It can be found in a school. In a class of public grading school, kids from fancy town don't hang around with kids from not so fancy town. Their parents teach them to do so, and they learn it like a social rule. People from western world don't know that Confucial teaching has it that a class(caste) system is fair. It has 10 classes(caste) from king to slave, and Confucian teaching is that each doing duty of their class will make the society work, peaceful, and beautiful. Revolutions are evil. He didn't though of equal of mankind. Today, in a capitalism society, money replaced caste. It combined with this old habit, made an odd concept that the economic level is worth respected as a social level. This is not so much Confucial tradition in real, rather monster of half breed with mammonism. I feel like as technology is developing, society is getting anachronistic. Koreans has only half century length history of capitalism. They only experienced it's good to make more and more money for their own sake. Koreans need to learn by experience more about distribution, welfare, and, of course, democratic republic. What they are for.

2014년 3월 21일 금요일

'FROZEN' make a new box office record.

  The Disney's Animation 'Frozen' made a new box office record in Korea. The Song 'Let it go' can ben listen everywhere. Even I watched it 4 times. Watching it carefully, I found something profound in the story. It is different from previous any other animations from the Disney. It is a simple story but can also interpreted deeper meaning. If you develop more, you can notice there is something called 'prototype in legends and tales' in C.G.Jung's psychology and (late) Joseph Campbell's writings.

2014년 3월 15일 토요일

A texting mistake reveals corruption of a magazine.

  There are many weekly magazines in Korea. How do they keep publishing? How do they make money? Newsstand sales and subscribers will do most of them? No. Unfortunately, commercial ads are the major source of the magazines in Korea. This can be a double-edged blade. Too less ads will make the magazine hard to run the company. Too many ads will make the magazine nothing but waste of pulp. This is the worst case when a magazine is too much dependent on ads of a specific company. 

  The picture is a text message from publisher of magazine. What's saying in the message is that the publisher is sorry for the previous column which is not favourable about the advertiser. Only, he did a mistake sending it to a another news corporation reporter, so that we are able to know dirty connection between the magazine and the advertiser. Samsung. 

  The column was about a new movie released to the theatres, and the story is a father's struggle to revealing the samsung's semiconductor factory is using over hundres of kinds of toxic chemicals, and many workers are/were suffering from cancer, leukimia, or many unknown diseases/died without any appogies or adknowledgement of responsibility.

  On the contrary to our common sense, the publisher begged forgiveness to the advertiser in the text message. Why? Very simple. Samsung is number one advertiser of the magazine. Without money from ads of samsung, this magazine company can not keep living. There are many magazines so dependent on samsung. Here is the original report: http://www.pressian.com/news/article.html?no=114385

  You can change the view of this case to see that samsung is using ads for controlling the press. That is reason many intellectuals, labour unions and NGOs are making harsh criticisms on samsung.

2014년 3월 3일 월요일

"Acne is not a disease" by financial government.

      Korea is large financial deficit state. In order to break it through, a financial government - not a medical government - made a new medical definition. "Acne is not a disease." And, after now on, all kinds of the patients who take medical treatment at dermatologists have to pay more VAT because it's not a disease. Below is a protest campaign of doctors' association to call the department of VAT of the financial government which made this ridiculous medical definition.

2014년 2월 28일 금요일

A kiss scene could be harmful to kids?

Original Poster

  Moving Rating is being done by government agency in Korea. The Agency saw the original poster of the movie Pompoii, it pointed out the hug and kissing. It said a picture of kissing of the actor/actress is too sensual and that a kiss scene could be harmful to grading students. Given government order, distributing company changed poster as below. This is an incident showing the freedom of expression.

sensored poster

2014년 1월 10일 금요일

Dear French Hypocrites

Dear French Hypocrites: 
Can you imagine that The German Chancellor Angela Merkel were a  Nazi party and still admire Hitler so much that offer flowers to show her loyal dedication to Hitler? 

Dear Sane French people: 
Your governments are full of hypocrite bourgeois. 

2014년 1월 2일 목요일

Shinzo Abe Did It!

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the controversial Yasukuni shrine. Is it hard to understand? What is Yasukuni shrine for? He worshipped Hideki Tojo, the man responsible for the attack of the pearl harbor, and other class-A war crimanals. Abe don't think Japan is not the bad guy in WWII. He and his follow politicians think Japan lost the war, and simply the winner became the good guy and the loser forced to be the bad guy. And they are teaching students that Japan's didn't do anything wrong, ignoring all the invasions and war crimes. That is what happening now in Japan. What would happen if Japan had won the war over US and The Allies? Throughout the cold war and current security situation in Asia, US did used Japan as an military base against Russia and China, and North Korea. But Abe's thinking different thing. With enormous economic and military power, which is supported by US, Abe is thinking that Japan has all the rights to use the military power, and no need to be submissive friend of US. Still don't get it? You'll definately get it when next Kamikazes hit your mainland.